Fraud Blocker
This is a demo of how fast our behaviour can change after one session

Our dog friendly training is

simple, natural and FAST


Our methods focus on creating a positive relationship between you and your dog to improve your dog’s behavior and obedience. Our expertise is in understanding how a dog naturally thinks, learns and communicates and then using this to show you how to be your dog’s leader. Once this relationship is established, behavior change is a natural next step. Our techniques work with any age, any breed, any issue. You and your dog get one-on-one attention, an individualized plan to suit your family AND guaranteed support for the life of your dog.

Our Best



Bark Busters do not use shock, electronic, choker or pronged collars. We also don’t need to unnecessarily bribe them with treats. The way we work at bark busters is completely unique. It has to be that’s why we provide a lifetime of the dog guarantee.It is also very different to the way typical dog trainers operate, and nothing like sending your dog to ‘doggy’ bootcamp.


Barking Solutions®

A barking dog in the neighbourhood can be a source of real frustration and a potential for dispute. It may be your neighbour is unaware of the problem.

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Basic Dog Obedience

Teach you how to communicate with your dog and he actually listens when you speak.

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Dog Behavioural Issues

Your dog lives with a family, in a home. This is why dog behaviour training is most effective.


Dog Safety for Children

Avoid allowing rough play between dogs and children, as it can lead to bites.

Puppy Management and Training

Puppies need guidance in the form of puppy
Obedience training to learn good manners

Workplace Health and Safety

Our safety programs provide on-site, in-person training, which is the most efficient way to prevent dog bites.

Top Clients



Magdalena W

A Better Way To A

Better Dog


I will spend a couple of hours with you on the first visit, I will demonstrate how quickly we get results. You will see you immediate changes in your dogs behaviour as we have a system that communicates in word, tone, and body language that the dog understands. In addition I will provide you a unique and customised training system tailored specifically for your dog and it’s behavioural issues. This way you are able to maintain the position of alpha of the pack. (Dogs are relatives of wolves and understand leadership).

In addition I will do a follow-up lesson at a time suitable to you in about 14 days. This way the training is reinforced. Then we can make any adjustments to anything that has come up. 99% of the time this is a permanent fix. Your dog will be obedient, well behaved, polite and your best friend. Guaranteed.

The life of the dog guarantee is forever, for as long as your dog lives. You can call me up any time and we can sort out any adjustments. As you can see from the Australia wide HQ Bark Busters website the ratings, and the fact that we are a global business in 7 countries and expanding very quickly. Because at the end of the day it’s the best value for money.

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bark busters

1 Million +

dogs trained