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Not Eating

Dog Training at Home

Fido just wont eat,

What’s wrong?


If your dog stops eating, it’s important to identify the cause and address it as soon as possible. If you’re unable to determine the reason, or if your dog’s appetite does not return within a few days, take them to the vet for a thorough examination.

There are several reasons why a dog might stop eating, and it’s important to identify the cause in order to properly address the problem. Some common reasons why dogs stop eating include:



If your dog is not feeling well, they may lose their appetite. Some common illnesses that can cause loss of appetite in dogs include digestive problems, infections, and tooth or gum problems. If you suspect that your dog is sick, it’s important to take them to the vet for a thorough examination.


Dental problems

Tooth and gum problems can be painful and cause your dog to avoid eating. If you notice any changes in your dog’s chewing or eating habits, take them to the vet for a dental exam.


Stress or anxiety

Stress or anxiety can also lead to loss of appetite in dogs. If your dog is showing signs of stress or anxiety, try to identify and address the underlying cause. Consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviourist may be helpful in managing their stress levels.


Boredom with their food

If your dog is eating the same food every day, they may become bored with it and lose interest in eating. Try rotating their diet or offering different types of food to keep them interested.


Has the dog eaten a foreign object?

Normally, your furry friend will vomit it up. Telltale signs that your dog has eaten a foreign object would be part of it in the faeces. A common problem is dogs chewing on rope toys and then pooping it out. If the situation is not resolved in a day or two, you may have to send the dog to the vet for an X-ray.


Change in routine

Dogs thrive on routine, and changes to their usual schedule can cause stress and disrupt their eating habits. If you have recently changed your dog’s feeding schedule or routine, try to get back to a more predictable routine. (As our dog got bigger, we had to get a bigger bowl. He stopped eating because the new bowl was foreign. We solved it by putting the original bowl into the new bowl!)

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